Amazing Facts About Pests

These Facts Will Blow Your Mind!

Amazing Pest Facts You Might not Know

Amazing Facts about Pests

Pests can be annoying and destructive, but they are also fascinating creatures. Here are some amazing facts about 10 common pests found in Australia.


  • Cockroaches have been around for at least 320 million years, making them one of the oldest insects on Earth.
  • They can run up to 50 body lengths per second, making them one of the fastest insects.
  • Cockroaches can live without food for 1 month and without water for 45 days.
  • There are over 4,000 species of cockroaches worldwide.


  • Flies taste with their feet and have taste receptors all over their bodies.
  • House flies beat their wings 200 flutters per second on average.
  • Flies can carry and spread up to 100 pathogens that cause ilnesses like typhoid, cholera, and dysentery.
  • The average lifespan of a housefly is only 28 days.


  • Ants have incredibly strong jaws. Relative to their size, their jaws are stronger than those of a lion.
  • Some queen ants can live for up to 30 years.
  • Ants don’t have lungs. They breathe through tiny holes all over their bodies.
  • Ants can carry 20 times their own weight.


  • Most spiders have 8 eyes, but some have 6, 2 or no eyes at all.
  • Some spiders can walk on water using the hairs on their legs.
  • Spiders silk is stronger than steel wire of the same thickness.
  • Only about 0.1% of spiders species worldwide are considered dangerous to humans.


  • Termites eat non-stop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Termite mounds can be massive. Some can reach over 30 feet tall.
  • Termites are responsible for up to a third of the total methane emissions from human activity.
  • Termites greatly outweigh humans by biomass and are estimated to make up over 30% of all animal life on Earth.


  • Only female mosquitoes bite. They need the protein from blood to develop their eggs.
  • A mosquito wing beats up to 500 flaps per second.
  • Mosquitoes have been around for over 30 million years.
  • Mosquitoes transmit malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and zika virus.


  • Fleas can jump up to 200 times their length, the equivalent of a human jumping over a 310 story building.
  • They suck 15 times their own body weight in blood daily.
  • Capable of transmitting diseases like typhus, plague and tularemia to humans.
  • There are over 2000 species of fleas worldwide.

Bed Bugs

  • Bed bugs are reddish-brown in color, wingless and can grow up to 5mm long.
  • Bed bugs can survive for months without feeding.
  • Bed bugs lay 1-5 eggs per day and 200-500 in a lifetime.
  • Bed bugs bites can cause itchy welts on human skin.


  • There are over 500 known species of lice worldwide.
  • Lice cannot jump or fly. They can only crawl between hairs and clothing.
  • Lice can cling tightly to hair with their claw-like legs.
  • Lice bites irritate the skin and cause itchiness.


  • Ticks don’t fly or jump. They wait on grass and plants for a host to brush by.
  • Once attached, ticks can ingest up to 600 of their unfed weight in blood.
  • Some ticks can transmit serious diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
  • There are around 900 species of ticks worldwide.


  • Rodents like rats and mice have sharp teeth that continually grow throughout their lives.
  • A mouse can fit through a hole the size of a ballpoint pen.
  • Rats can survive without water longer than camels can.
  • Rodents transmit viruses through parasites like fleas, ticks, lice and mites.


Scorpion Venom is Toxic


As you can see, pests are truly remarkable creatures that have evolved amazing abilities to survive and thrive alongside humans. While they may be bothersome, their unique biology and behaviors are fascinating. Learning more about pests can help us find smarter ways to control them while gaining appreciation for the diversity of bugs and insects on our planet.

WHave we got you worried about pests? If you have a pest infestation consider calling in your local pest control company to knockdown these creep crawlies for good.