Top 10 Common Household Pests

Dealing with pests at home can be frustrating and worrying. Unwanted critters not only damage your property but can also pose health risks in some cases. Identifying common household invaders, understanding why they show up and how to get rid of them will help you protect your home.

Before we check out the top contenders, lets look at how serious a these common pests pose. Remember if you have an infestation you cannot control yourself, call a pest control professional to treat the problem before it gets worse.

How Serious Are These Pests?

PestHealth HazardStructural Damage
Bed BugsModerateLow
Textile PestsLowHigh


Rodents, fleas and cockroaches in particular pose health risks by spreading diseases. Termites, mice and rats can certainly damage structures extensively if left unchecked. Bites from spiders, ants and flying insects range from harmless to moderately dangerous. Address all invaders promptly for home safety.

There is a wide range of pests in Australian homes, but here are the most common you’ll find from one to ten.

The Top 10



These social insects thrive in moist environments. Sugar loving species invade kitchens while grease or protein loving ones crawl bathroom walls. Identify entry points like cracks and seal them. Borax powder sprinkled along movement paths also helps. Click here for ant control.



Roaches feed on human food. They can transfer germs by contaminating surfaces and cause allergic reactions. They hide in dark warm corners of kitchen cabinets, pantries and bathrooms. Cut off food sources by proper storage and traps using sticky gels to avoid a cockroach infestation. Common species include Australian, Oriental, American and the infamous German cockroach. Click here for cockroach control



Drawn by food smells, mice chewing causes extensive wiring damage. Their droppings also spread disease. Plug entry holes and use humane traps to catch and release outdoors. Seal foodstuff securely. Learn more about Mice Control.


Australian Spiders

Most household varieties are harmless but bites can become infected. Knock down existing webs and vacuum up spiders. Apply insecticidal dust into cracks and junctures to keep them out. Click here to get rid of spiders.

Bed Bugs


Tiny flat parasitic bugs feed on a human blood meal leaving itchy bite marks. Check mattress folds, nearby crevices and luggage when traveling. Treat with chemical sprays or temperature control and enclose mattresses completely. Click to eliminate bed bugs.


White Ant

These silent destroyers tunnel into wood and can severely compromise building structures. Identify mud tunnels along walls. Treatment requires probing foundation to apply chemical insecticides. Learn more about termite treatments.



They build papery wasp nests on eaves and attics. Some species can deliver painful stings so treat nests with caution. Apply insecticidal foam directly into nest openings at night when these insects are dormant. Get rid of wasps.



Rats contaminate and spoil foodstocks while spreading diseases through urine/feces. Their gnawing damages insulation, pipes and electrical wiring. Trap using baited cages – a surefire way to get rid of them. Always wear gloves when disposing trapped rats. Click for rodent control services.

Textile Pests

Cloth Moths

Varieties like carpet beetles and cloth moths damage fabrics, upholstery and carpets by feeding on natural fibers and wool. Freeze and then clean infested items. Prevent reinfestation by using cedar blocks, lavender sachets or regular vacuuming.



Fleas multiply rapidly and travel from infested pets into your home where they survive on blood. Comb out fleas from pets regularly and treat premises with insecticide powder after thorough vacuuming, especially in infested areas. Click here for flea treatment.

How to Spot Household Pests

Watch out for these signs that indicate pest activity:

  • Droppings in cupboards or along walls
  • Chewed materials, holes in containers/surfaces
  • Strange odors or musty smells
  • Visible bugs crawling on floors, walls or food surfaces
  • Itchy bites on skin
  • Muddy tubes along walls or concrete

Some insects are so small that detecting them early is key before populations grow. Traps and detectors can alert you in time to control infestations.

Why Do Pests Invade My Home?

Pests seek out food, water and shelter just like any other animal. Inside your home they find ideal living conditions and nutrients to thrive on unless proper prevention measures are taken. Some pests also unintentionally hitchhike indoors on packaged goods.

Understanding each pest’s origins and behavior helps control them effectively. While chemicals work temporarily, addressing root causes by modifying conditions suits a long term solution.


With vigilance, proactive prevention and control measures, your home can be pest free. But if significant infestations arise, do consider professional pest control services for proper elimination and home safety against diseases.